Why "In Gang"?

About In Gang Beratung

During a period of approximately 40 years, we are working five days a week for eight hours. I want to help you and your company to use this significant part of life time sustainably, effectively and to the benefit of all stakeholders.

"In Gang" means "get going" or "keep going" in German. In Gang Beratung GmbH is a small consulting enterprise based in Zurich (Switzerland) owned by Katrin Lüthi. Ich verfüge über langjährige Erfahrung als Führungskraft, Transformationsbegleiterin und Projektleiterin im Softwarebereich sowie über eine fundierte Ausbildung als Organisationsberaterin und Coach. Meine Beratung kann je nach Ausgangslage remote oder vor Ort, auf Deutsch oder auf Englisch stattfinden.

Katrin Lüthi

Who are my customers?

Ich arbeite mit Führungskräften, Teams und Abteilungen auf allen Stufen und in verschiedenen Branchen, sowohl in kleinen Startups wie in grösseren Unternehmen. Auch Einheiten der Verwaltung zählten schon mehrfach zu meine Kunden und Kundinnen. Durch meinen Hintergrund als Software-Entwicklerin und Führungskraft in der Informatikbranche kann ich mich besonders gut in die Situation von IT- und Technologie-Unternehmen einfühlen. Ich weiss, was es heisst, wenn der Build schon wieder failed oder was ein Mergeproblem ist, wenn man gerade dabei ist, das API zu fixieren. Auch agile Frameworks sind mir aus der Praxis seit langem vertraut – in allen möglichen Ausprägungen.

Why "in Gang"?

In Gang Beratung GmbH Logo

Why is this company called "In Gang Beratung"? Its simple - I want teams, organizations, and individuals to get going with useful processes and practices (in Gang bringen) or keep doing them (in Gang halten).

It is my conscious decision not to promise you to "lift your organization to the next level" (e.g. 4.0?), to "push your team beyond their limits" (ouch!) or even to make you "successful" (what does success mean anyway?). All these buzzwords imply that you just have to invest one time to reach a condition which is clearly defined by best practice - and then you are safe forever.

I know from experience that all this sounds very appealing, but is not the truth. We are in the realm of complexity, where there simply are no best practice solutions that fit all teams, all organizations and all individuals. Groups of people and organizations are changing all the time and subject to lots of influences. This means you have to adapt continuously - even if this sounds tiresome, expensive and not at all like an easy solution.

That's why my company name is simple, pragmatic and buzzword-free. Let's get going and keep the good things going!

Why should I work with In Gang Beratung?

  1. Solution focused and results focused
  2. Creative and with a sense of humour
  3. Pragmatic, authentic, no BS
  4. Up to date with trends and hypes, but with a critical eye
  5. Appreciative and on eye-level
  6. Interactive, tailored and practically useful workshops
  7. Didactically sound: Over 20 years experience in continuous education
  8. Practical experience (> 10 years) in software engineering, including many years of coding
  9. Swiss Professional Certification as and Organizational Developer and Coach (bso-zertifiziert)
  10. Weil ich auch (CH-)Deutsch spreche.

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