Effective meetings need more than good facilitation!
Meetings are the beating heart of many processes. In meetings, there is a flow of communication which shows organizational culture like a looking-glass. It is therefore useful to regularly invest in the concept and design of meetings. Whether we call it "Beyond Meetings", "Meetings 3.0", "Lean Meetings" or "High Performing Meetings": get in contact with me for an individually tailored workshop around this subject:
Workshop 1: Analyze and Cleanup Your Meetings

Target Group: Leaders, Teams, Organisations
Duration: 2h for 1:1 coaching, half a day for one team / small organisation
- Clean up your agenda
- Analyse which meetings should stay, which meetings should go, which meetings need to be transformed
- Which meetings should be on-site, which could be held remotely?
Which meetings do you have in your organization? What are the rationales and goals behind them? Which benefit in relation to investment is there for each single meeting? Are there any meetings which you maybe are not really required to attend? Is there for some goals a more efficient way to reach them than via a meeting? These and many more questions help to understand the baseline for a reorganisation of your meetings.
Workshop 2: Re-orchestrating Your Organization's Meetings

Target Group: Teams, Organizations
Duration: Half a day up to two days
- Coordinate and align all your meetings with each other
- Sharpen the focus of each meeting by looking at the communication flow as a whole
- Clarify roles and expectations
- Establish your own Meeting Cleanup Process (MCP)
Sharpen the focus of the meetings in your organization: How do I balance the need for social exchange and "cultural transmission" with business needs? How do we transport cultural values in the way our meetings are designed and held?
What is the purpose of each meeting? Is it an operative meeting where we organize our daily work? Or rather a governance meeting, where the organization itself is developed?
Establish the criteria on which you will decide whether a new meeting is created in the future or whether a meeting is not needed anymore.
Workshop 3: Internal Design of Meetings

Target Group: Meeting sponsors like managers, team leads, project leads, Scrum masters or teams as a whole
Duration: 1 day
- Detailed design and facilitation of single meetings
- Make the meetings you have more attractive and more fun
- Foster participation and commitment
- Effective time management
- Remote or on-site?
- Tools for decision making, idea generating, collaboration
How do you use the design of a meeting for daily team development? Which tools help to reach meeting goals effectively? Which tips and trick help to facilitate a meeting with lots of people participating? Which structure is best for which meeting? Check-In's and Wrap-Ups - Do's and Don'ts What is different with Remote Meetings?
Inspirations from agile provide a huge amount of ideas in this respect (Sociocracy, Kanban, Scrum), but also the techniques found in Liberating Structures.